Wednesday 4 May 2016

Former WWE Wrestler Rey Mysterio Could Face Manslaughter Charges Over In-Ring Death of Fellow Wrestler

Former WWE Wrestler Rey Mysterio Could Face Manslaughter Charges Over In-Ring Death of Fellow Wrestler



Former WWE superstar Rey Mysterio could be facing manslaughter charges after fellow wrestler Pedro Aguayo Ramirez, known as Hijo del Perro Aguayo, tragically died during a match in Tijuana on Friday.

Mysterio, whose real name is Óscar Gutiérrez, performed a flying kick to the head of Aguayo during the match. Aguayo appeared to be knocked unconscious and the other wrestlers in the tag-team match continued wrestling for a couple minutes before realizing something was seriously wrong.

Aguayo was taken to a local hospital and declared dead at 1:30 a.m. Saturday morning. The autopsy reported that the cause of death was trauma to the neck and a cervical fracture. The Baja California state prosecutor’s office said it had opened an investigation into possible manslaughter.

The match took place in a promotion called AAA. The director of the company, Joaquin Roldan, spoke out on Twitter about the tragedy.

“I have no words for this terrible news,” he said. “My sincerest condolences for the Aguayo Ramirez family.”

Aguayo’s mother, Luz Ramirez, released the following statement, according to the Associated Press.

“We, as relatives of Pedro, want to thank all of you for the affection and respect you have shown for Pedro, and you will understand that we are in no condition to comment with respect to the death of Pedro.”

As for Mysterio, it was just his second time wrestling for AAA since 1997. His contract with the WWE ran out at the end of February. He also used Twitter to comment on the incident.

“I wonder why and I do not understand, miss you and I will take with me the rest of my life, rest in peace HijoDelPerro,” he wrote, according to the translation of the tweet

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